Can AI create more jobs than it cuts?

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Home / Can AI create more jobs than it cuts?

The article discusses concerns about the impact of technological advancements, including artificial intelligence (AI), on employment. It acknowledges the rapid progress of technologies such as AI, 3D printing, and robotics, leading to questions about whether machines will replace human jobs. The UN DESA's report challenges the notion that 80% of jobs are at risk of automation, highlighting the specialization of technology and its limited ability to substitute entire occupations. The report emphasizes historical patterns of technological innovation creating new jobs and markets. It also considers economic, legal, regulatory, and socio-political factors that may prevent widespread job displacement. Despite the positive aspects, the article acknowledges the disruptive nature of new technologies, contributing to inequalities and changes in work arrangements. Policymakers are urged to address the potential consequences of technological progress, emphasizing the need for policies that help workers adapt and ensure their participation in the benefits of technology. The article encourages early consideration and redesign of labor market policies, social security schemes, and taxation systems to adapt to the evolving technological landscape.

February 17, 2023

The article talks about how AI could replace jobs in the future. It says that AI can already do some jobs that people do. It also says that AI could take away jobs from people who have high skills and people who have low skills. But it also says that new jobs will be created because of AI. The article says that the World Economic Forum thinks that AI will replace 85 million jobs but create 97 million new jobs by 2025. The article thinks that AI will change the types of jobs people do instead of taking away all the jobs.

June 14, 2023

The article begins by highlighting the numerous technological advancements driven by AI and mentions the concerns raised by figures like Elon Musk regarding job displacement. It discusses how technology is rapidly changing, causing discomfort and uncertainty about the future of work. It also addresses reports that suggest AI could lead to significant job losses. Moreover, the article provides a nuanced perspective by emphasizing that AI and technology advancements may require job retraining and reskilling rather than simply leading to job loss. It points out the changing nature of work, the importance of soft skills, and how tasks are shifting between humans and AI. The article also mentions a study by the Brookings institution, which suggests that well-educated, well-paid workers may be even more affected by AI than lower-skilled workers, countering some common assumptions. However, it's worth noting that the article does not provide a definitive stance on the issue but rather presents various viewpoints and data, which contributes to its balanced rating.

January 6, 2023
