Can AI help alleviate climate change?

Home / Can AI help alleviate climate change?

The article begins by acknowledging the widespread discussion about the potential of AI to address climate change and whether it's merely hype or a substantial development. The article then delves into research findings that suggest AI has the potential to be more helpful than harmful in the transition to a low-carbon economy. The article explains that AI, as a General Purpose Technology (GPT), can be applied to various sectors of the economy, including fossil-fuel-based technologies. However, it goes on to highlight that AI, so far, appears to support the transition to a low-carbon economy, based on economic theory and an analysis of patents. The discussion of how clean energy patents draw on AI and ICT patents 2 to 3 times more on average than dirty patents provides concrete evidence of AI's positive impact. The article also explores potential reasons for this advantage, including the intrinsic requirements of clean technologies, access to knowledge about AI, and the adaptability of older technologies. Moreover, the article emphasizes the importance of innovation in achieving a net-zero transition and highlights that AI and ICT have been enabling low-carbon innovation. It concludes by advocating for a deliberate focus on steering AI and ICT towards greener technologies in the future. Overall, the article presents a strong case for the potential of AI to contribute positively to efforts to combat climate change, and it supports this argument with research findings and thoughtful analysis.

September 1, 2023
